Publications and Activity

Published work and engagement portfolio:


  • Samuel Jardine and Tim Clack, 'Geopolitics and Security in the Changing Antarctic', in Climate Change, Conflict, and (In)Security: Hot War, Tim Clack, Ziya Meral, and Louise Selisny (eds), Routledge, 1 December 2023
  • Critics' Reviews;
  • 'The book completes its mission to show that climate change is a driver of conflict, an obstacle to conflict resolution, and a creator of strategic shocks, tensions, opportunities, and risks… A must read for anyone interested in defence, security, or climate change.' (General Tom Middendorp, International Military Council on Climate & Security (former Chief of Defence of The Netherlands))

  • 'Climate change is the single most significant long-term defence issue. Its consequences will shape threats, challenge governments (as competition for food, water increases) undermine military capabilities, and drive economic instability. The book offers insights that are at once timely, important, and alarming.' (Tobias Ellwood MP, Chair of the UK House of Commons Defence Committee)

  • 'The climate crisis is the top geopolitical issue of our time. From the High North to equatorial Africa, global heating will be the major driver of the conflicts and threats we will face in the coming decades. This vital and timely book challenges us to marshal a much better response, urgently.' (Tom Fletcher, University of Oxford (former UK Foreign Policy Adviser to 3 UK Prime Ministers))

  • 'There are uncomfortable gaps between knowledge, practice, and reality when it comes to how climate change is shaping human and hard security. This book is an important contribution to closing that gap, showing how to stop worrying about securitizing climate and start climatizing security.' (Hon. Sharon E. Burke, Ecospherics (Former US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy))

  • 'Climate Change and Insecurity is a clarion call for the military and security sectors. This exceptional collection shows how climate change and its impacts are reshaping the world and how nations must prepare for what is to come.' (Captain Dr Andrea Cameron, US Naval War College)

  • 'The following chapter on Antarctic security is the perfect companion, and a fantastic overview. Direct physical impacts of climate change to the South Pole are discussed, the concept of suppositional imperialism is introduced and used as a lens of analysis, Cold War military competition in the region is reviewed, base racing, sovereignty, and the weaponisation of conservation are all considered. There is also insight regarding Antarctic Treaty considerations and disputes, and discussion regarding the trojan horse that may be tourism—or “non-scientific occupation,” as the book describes.' (Small Wars Journal)

Parliamentary Commissions:

Select Events and Conferences:

  • '2024 United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy'  invitation-only conference hosted by United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, 19th - 21st November 2024.
  • Invited as a "Expert" participant in his capacity as Affiliate and Researcher with the Open Lunar Foundation to provide insight on emerging policy and legal issues emerging in space alongside key space stakeholders and experts from around the world.

  • 'Geopolitical Thinking for Domestic Politics' talk for the Innovation in Politics Institute, 15th November 2024.
  • Invited to give a studio lecture for practioners, officials, and policymakers.
  • Gave an overview of the global geopolitical situation, key trends, risks, and issues. How it affects different stakeholders and states. What blocification and multipolar competition mean at local, regional, national, and international levels. How this will impact the future, and how organisations and stakeholders can go about analysing this (alongside a how-to guide on the geopolitical consulting industry).

  • 'Responsible and Coordinated Operations in the Lunar and Cislunar Environment' in-person stakeholder event organised, hosted and led by Sam for the Open Lunar Foundation, in partnership with the Sustainable Markets Initiative, The Karman Project, and UNOOSA on the sidelines of the 2024 International Astronaughtical Conference, 16th October 2024.
  • Sam as Project Lead for Open Lunar's Lunar Registry of Objects and Activities supported by Rachel Williams and Monty Karmakharm, organised and hosted an event on the sidelines of the IAC in Milan with the Sustainable Markets Initaitive, The Karman Project, and UNOOSA as partners and contributors.
  • It was attended by over 40 leaders from government, academia, space agency, scientific, and commercial space, and space-adjacent actors to get their perspectives and input on key aspects of pressing issues in Lunar policy and feedback on the Lunar Registry.
  • The event hosted a work with attendees providing frank and detailed feeback on the Lunar Registry as well as wider policy areas relevant to it. It then hosted UNOOSA Director Aarti Holla-Maini who gave a talk on the newly established Action Team for Lunar Activity Coordination (ATLAC). 

  • 'United Nations Conference on Sustainable Lunar Activities' conference hosted by the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, 18th June 2024.
  • Invited as a "Expert" participant in his capacity as Affiliate and Researcher with the Open Lunar Foundation to provide insight on emerging geopolitical and governance issues for Lunar activities and highlight norms-building initiatives as a building bloc to trust and alternative to international legally binding treaties as the latter remains "off the table".

  • 'Future Space Threats' invitiation-only conference hosted by Wilton Park in partnership with the UK's Ministry of Defence and the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, 24th - 26th January 2024.
  • Invited as an Affiliate of the Open Lunar Foundation to provide insight on the emerging issues and opportunities to and from space and Lunar activities, governance, and security in the context of geopolitical competition. The Wilton Park Protocol was in effect. There will be an official report of the discussion. The conference was initiated to help inform UK policy over the next five years.

  • 'Royal Navy Strategic Studies Centre Strategy Bootcamp' hosted by the Royal Navy Strategic Studies Centre and Strategy and Security Institute (Exeter University), 25-26th October 2023.
  • Invited to audit the RNSSC Strategy Bootcamp for its Research Fellows. Engaged in Red Teaming on-going project, and seminars on global maritime strategy and Britan's "way of war".

  • 'Orkney and the High North Opportunities' Roundtable hosted by the Royal Navy at HMS President, 12 September 2023
  • Invited to participate in a Royal Navy-hosted government roundtable at HMS President during London International Shipping Week with representatives from major shipping and logistics companies, port and local authorities, and the Royal Navy, alongside key maritime associations, to discuss the emerging commercial and strategic opportunities and risks presented by a changing Arctic to inform future policy. Samuel was able to provide input, advice and recommendations from a geopolitical and political risk perspective.

  • 'Global Fragility: Climate Change and Insecurity' lecture for the Royal College of Defence Studies, 26 June 2023
  • Alongside Dr Tim Clack (Director of the CCIP) invited to deliver a lecture and undertake a Q+A session at Seaford House for the Royal College of Defence Studies. Part of the Faculty for National Security - Foundation Programme, the event was hosted by Lt Gen Sir George Norton (RCDS Commandant), Philip Parham (Director, Faculty for National Security) and Rebecca Engel (Head, Faculty for National Security). My lecture delved into how climate change is impacting both the Arctic and Antarctic from a geopolitical and security perspective. It complemented Tim’s which dived into climate change’s impact on global security and fragility. 

  • 'The Geopolitics of the Arctic- Scrambling Over Melting Ice' lecture for the Royal Navy Strategic Studies Centre, 20 June 2023
  • Invited to give a lecture (with presentation) and Q+A session for the Royal Navy Strategic Studies Centre to Royal Navy service personnel from all ranks, as well as related individuals. I provided an overview of Arctic Geopolitics, multipolar competition and emerging political, economic, and defence challenges and opportunities. This was for the Centre's monthly lunchtime lecture series on maritime strategy-related topics. 

  • 'Possibilities for a Local Lunar Time Standard' with the Open Lunar Foundation, 27 April 2023
  • Philip Linden, Jessy Kate Schingler, and I present our findings and analysis from the scientific, engineering, technical, historical and geopolitical perspectives for the characteristics, needs, challenges, and feasibility of a common reference timing signal to serve future lunar operations and facilitate a low-cost, transparent approach to the development of a Local Lunar Time Standard and explore its implications. This event was based on our white paper on this topic, written by Philip, myself, and Jessy Kate. (PDF here

  • 'Bright Moon- Creating a Global Registry of Lunar Activities' with the Open Lunar Foundation23 April 2023
  • Jonathan McDowell, Rachel Williams, and I, in a talk chaired by Chelsea Robinson, with concluding remarks from Jacob Malthouse, analyse the historical, geopolitical, political and institutional need, context, challenges, and opportunities for the establishment of a Lunar Activities Registry. Such a registry will allow actors to better understand what's happening in the lunar environment, where, and why while decreasing risk, building trust and increasing transparency between all actors against the backdrop of increasing multipolar competition. This launch event was for the white paper on this topic written by myself and Rachel (PDF here)

  • 'The Geopolitics of Britain’s Antarctic Empire 1942–1961 and its Falklands Legacy', with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 22 March 2022
  • My live talk and Q&A for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) (Webpage here), Chaired by Andrew Young, as part of the upcoming events commemorating the Falklands War 40th Anniversary RUSI invited me to give a 60-minute talk with Q&A session. Utilizing my archival research, I explore how the Falklands War was part of a historic and ongoing geopolitical competition over the Antarcitc's future between Argentina, Britain, Chile and the US, and how British policy from 1942-1961 impacted and influenced the context of the later conflict. I also offer a new take on the US-UK relationships in the region, and how Britain in fact "lost" regarding the Antarctic Treaty System. In the Q&A we delved into current geopolitics and what the future has in store for the Falklands and Antarctic.

  • 'Overlooked Political Risks for 2023' with London Politica, 23 January 2023
  • I chaired a live discussion with Q+A segment delving into the emerging and overlooked political risks of 2023. These were risks which had a global impact but had been flying under the radar. I also was a speaker myself, presenting my work on astropolitical risks and the politicisation of space.     

Video Talks:

Select Media Interviews:

  • Interviewed and extensively quoted by Asia Time's Tatiana Kanunnikova for expert insight on Arctic geopolitics, climate change, resources, and shipping. This appeared in the Asia Times article "Race for Arctic resources in a climate change era", 28 December 2024.

  • Interviewed by Melissa Nour Khemilet on AL24 News for my expertise and analysis regarding the ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, increasing state interest in space activity, and the emerging competition over this from a geopolitical and astropolitical perspective, as well as a rundown of the space governance, policy, and security issues arising from this and their potential impact on Earth. This appeared on TV and the segment can be viewed here, 13 April 2023

  • Interviewed by Jay Heisler from Voice of America for expert analysis on the politics and geopolitics of the Canada-China relationship. This appeared in the VOA article "New Charges of Chinese Interference Embroil Canadian MP", 24 March 2023.
  • Interviewed by Melissa Nour Khemilet on AL24 News for my analysis and insight into the geopolitics of "near-space", its potential, political risk, and challenges in the context of the China-US surveillance balloon incident. This appeared on TV and the segment can be viewed here, 3 March 2023
  • Interviewed by Dialogue for expert analysis on space policy and security, particularly from a competition perspective. This appeared in Dialouge's Spring 2022 Journal edition under "Interviews: Samuel Jardine Space Policy and Resources", pp.32-35*
    *note due to a typo from the journal, the Antarctic has been referenced as the Arctic.

  • Interviewed by Voice Of America (VOA) for expert analysis on Arctic geopolitics, particularly concerning the UK and Canada's Arctic relationship and interests. This appeared in the VOA article "UK-Canada Naval Training Pact Reflects Rising Interest in Arctic" by Jay Heisler, 28 October 2021

Published Papers:

  • Samuel Jardine, Ahmet Altindal, Billy Buddell, Dolores Agrasso, Charles Bauman, Gemma Bingham, Tessa Foo, Eva Kristinova, Romain Le Dily, Ben Martin, George Meddings, Vanina Meyer, Cormac Oliver, Ethan Sanderson, Ridipt Singh, Boyan Tsonev, and Yazan Issa, 'Overlooked and Underappreciated Geopolitical Risks 2025', London Politica, 15 January 2025

Public Projects:

  • Policy Specialist for- 'Lunar Policy Snapshot 2024', Lunar Policy Platform, 15 July 2024 - 2 December 2024
  • Collaborated with Lunar Policy Plaform Director Antonino Salmeri in the organisation, research and analysis, stakeholder engagement, interviews  and production of the world's first report presenting stakeholder perspectives on, and tracking and analysing, lunar developments, trends and policy implications.
  • Reflects extensive consultations with over 40 stakeholders, including space agencies, governments, companies, scientists, and civil society,     

  • Project Lead for Phase 3 (2024) and Research Fellow for Phase 1 (2022) of the 'Global Registry of Lunar Objects and Activities', Open Lunar Foundation, 1 January 2022 - Ongoing
  • Phase 3- Between July and December 2024, Open Lunar, led by affiliate and fellow Samuel Jardine embarked on a major stakeholder engagement campaign to gather feedback on its Global Registry of Lunar Objects and Activities concept.
  • Engaged 155 stakeholders worldwide, from government, commercial, space agency, science, academia, and civil society sectors, with an outreach-to-engagement conversion rate at 85.16%. Stakeholders from all six inhabited continents and from every segment of the space sector provided invaluable feedback.
  • Organised and hosted major events, including a workshop on the sidelines of the IAC 2024 attended by over 40 major space stakeholders.
  • Produced a comprehensive and exhaustive internal report which the Open Lunar Board and a panel of experts evaluated and signed off as warranting the initaiton of investment and funding for Phase 4 of the Registry in 2025.
  • Phase 1- In 2022 Research Fellows Samuel Jardine and Rachel Williams produced an extensive White Paper produced an in-depth study assessing a Lunar Registry’s needs, impact, and risks. 

  • Programme Director for- 'Geopolitics on the Periphery', London Politica, 10th October 2022 - 15th October 2023.
  • I have established this research programme to uncover the emerging and overlooked geopolitical arenas of space, the seabed, Arctic, and the Antarctic and integrate them into the wider global context of political and geopolitical risk. These four arenas share significant geopolitical similarities despite their obvious physical differences; most particularly, each steadily offers a new frontier for potentially lucrative economic opportunities while increasingly facing the full spectrum of great and small power competition.
  • My team and I provide actionable insight and analysis regarding the emerging trends, issues, opportunities and risks to be found in these frontiers from a geopolitical, commercial, security and policy perspective. We hope to provide the thought leadership for stakeholders to best understand, navigate, and successfully operate within these rapidly changing spheres. 

  • Programme Director for- 'Ukraine Watch', London Politica, 25 February 2022 - 30th July 2022,
  • As part of London Politica's efforts to provide pro-bono support to humanitarian NGO's, charities, organizations, and those affected by Putin's invasion of Ukraine, particularly in the face of a potential deterioration of trusted information flowing out of the warzone, I and my project co-lead, Ollie Gordon-Brown (A Senior Analyst at London Politica) have set up, provided analysis for, organized, and co-ordinated, a publicly-accessible rolling feed of analysis and updates from teams of London Politica's Research Analysts who are;
  • Providing rolling updates on the situation in Ukraine
  • Carrying out analysis of key issues and trends within Ukraine and internationally from humanitarian, security, economic, political, geopolitical, and defence perspectives.
  • Sifting through the mass of information, intelligence, propaganda, and fake news to bring to the fore trusted sources of information.
  • Providing a pillar of macro analysis for London Politica's other analytical teams who are working directly on client projects with organisations involved in providing humanitarian support to Ukraine. 
  • Outcomes- This project directly helped support through analytical services 14 Ukraine-related charities (some of which are now regular clients) operating on the ground. We were also recommended as a "go-to" and trusted source of information by NGO's and Charities such as HumanAid. The project continues under an expanded remit with 40 Analysts and 4 Research Directors working to provide both local and global coverage of the Ukraine War and its impact.  


  • 'China, Britain and France: A comparative analysis of the East and West's leading imperial powers 1644-1911', The Helios, Issue 10, 23 September 2017

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